Monday, April 15, 2019

United Nations Photo: USI/FAO Project for Improvement in the Production of Fruits and Vegetables

USI/FAO Project for Improvement in the Production of Fruits and VegetablesUnited Nations Photo: USI/FAO Project for Improvement in the Production of Fruits and Vegetables: The Unione Scolastica Internazionale (USI), Italian section of the International Confederation for United School, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in collaboration with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, are carrying out a project for the improvement of the production of fruits and vegetables in Kinshasa. This project will tend to solve two essential problems: one, of an agricultural nature, the other, of a social nature. The problem in agriculture is the insufficiency in the production of fruits and vegetables needed for a growing population of about 1,500,000 people in the Congolese capital, where the dietary conditions in large sectors of the city leave much to be desired. The social problem has to do with the rural exodus towards Kinshasa which explains the existence of thousands of unemployed in the capital. The latter could find a solution to their difficulties if they were to learn to work on uncultivated and tillable land. In all 1,000 families and approximately 1,000 young boys and girls will benefit each year from this project meant to honour the memory of Italian aviators and all the soldiers who fought for peace serving for the United Nations in the Congo. br/br/A view of the nursery at the Kingasani Centre for Agricultural Training. At right is FAO expert in horticulture, Mr. Corrado Argazzi (Italy). He is also Director of the Project for improvement in the production of fruits and vegetables in the Ki...

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