Wednesday, April 17, 2019

United Nations Photo: Child Labor Worldwide: It's Still a Problem

Child Labor Worldwide: It's Still a ProblemUnited Nations Photo: Child Labor Worldwide: It's Still a Problem: Most nations have laws that prohibit child labor. Yet throughout the world, children in large number can be seen toiling in sweatshops, hauling concrete, tilling fields, plucking garbage or peddling shoes. In 1979, the year the United Nations designated as the International Year of the Child, numerous studies revealed an estimated 56 million children under 15 working for little or no pay in Asia, Africa and Latin America alone. In many cities in particular, they are often thrown into hostile, impersonal urban jungles in a daily struggle for boy loads a fifth heavy brick on a young girl’s back in a Bogota brick factory. The children take the job because they need to live; their employers hire them because they come cheap. Some children work for as little as six cents a day. [No exact date]

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